IEEE 802.1 Ballot Tally
Index » Working Group Ballot of P802.1Qbc/D1.2
Tallied VotesOther Information
Approve [*]11 (85 %)Pass / Fail [***]Fail
Disapprove2 (15 %)Last Updated2010-05-25
Abstain [**]16 (55 %)Non-Voting Comments [****]0
Total29ParticipationClick to see a hard copy of the voters list. 27 / 150  Task Force 18
* Approve includes "Comments With Approve".
** Abstain includes "Comments With Abstain".
*** To "pass": Approval Percent >=75 % and Working Group Participation >= 50 %.
**** Non-voting comments are just "Comments".

Ballot Votes
Karen RandallWorking Group ParticipantAbstainSun Apr 25 14:26:00 2010
Philippe KleinWorking Group ParticipantAbstainTue Apr 27 04:26:19 2010
John Nels FullerTask Force ParticipantAbstainMon May 3 13:05:46 2010
Brian WeisTask Force ParticipantAbstainTue May 4 18:56:10 2010
Craig GuntherWorking Group ParticipantAbstainWed May 5 00:34:46 2010
Dave OlsenTask Force ParticipantAbstainWed May 5 10:40:51 2010
Geoffrey M. GarnerTask Force ParticipantAbstainThu May 6 16:53:00 2010
Kevin StantonWorking Group ParticipantAbstainMon May 10 14:14:41 2010
John MorrisWorking Group ParticipantAbstainTue May 11 01:27:59 2010
Derek RohdeWorking Group ParticipantAbstainWed May 12 14:50:07 2010
Claudio DesantiWorking Group ParticipantAbstainWed May 12 17:26:37 2010
Hal KeenWorking Group ParticipantAbstainTue May 18 16:58:56 2010
Rudolf BrandnerWorking Group ParticipantAbstainWed May 19 07:36:32 2010
Zehavit AlonTask Force ParticipantComments (With Approve)Thu May 20 08:15:03 2010
Panagiotis SaltsidisWorking Group ParticipantComments (With Approve)Thu May 20 08:38:08 2010
Nurit SprecherWorking Group ParticipantApproveThu May 20 10:29:32 2010
Don PannellTask Force ParticipantAbstainThu May 20 19:33:27 2010
Henry (Chien-Hsien) WuTask Force ParticipantAbstainFri May 21 02:13:04 2010
Bruce KwanWorking Group ParticipantAbstainFri May 21 03:25:34 2010
Dan RomascanuWorking Group ParticipantDisapproveFri May 21 04:13:59 2010
Zhemin DingWorking Group ParticipantComments (With Approve)Fri May 21 10:45:58 2010
Donald EastlakeTask Force ParticipantApproveFri May 21 15:15:02 2010
Janos FarkasWorking Group ParticipantComments (With Approve)Fri May 21 15:16:01 2010
Glenn ParsonsWorking Group ParticipantDisapproveFri May 21 16:18:46 2010
Jessy V RouyerTask Force ParticipantComments (With Approve)Fri May 21 18:36:50 2010
Stephen HaddockWorking Group ParticipantApproveFri May 21 20:56:48 2010
Takeshi ShimizuTask Force ParticipantApproveSat May 22 08:01:05 2010
Ben Mack-CraneWorking Group ParticipantAbstainSun May 23 16:24:07 2010
J . RoeseTask Force ParticipantAbstainMon May 24 03:41:09 2010
Donald FedykWorking Group ParticipantAbstainMon May 24 04:08:27 2010
John MessengerWorking Group ParticipantAbstainMon May 24 05:08:03 2010
Paul CongdonWorking Group ParticipantApproveMon May 24 08:45:42 2010
Joe PelissierTask Force ParticipantAbstainMon May 24 08:51:59 2010
Weiying ChengWorking Group ParticipantApproveMon May 24 08:52:02 2010
Wei YuehuaTask Force ParticipantApproveMon May 24 11:13:00 2010
Paul UnbehagenWorking Group ParticipantAbstainMon May 24 11:15:42 2010
Eric GrayWorking Group ParticipantAbstainMon May 24 11:15:44 2010
J LemonTask Force ParticipantApproveMon May 24 11:15:44 2010
Norman FinnWorking Group ParticipantApproveMon May 24 11:17:06 2010
Chuck HudsonTask Force ParticipantApproveMon May 24 11:35:21 2010
Pat ThalerTask Force ParticipantApproveMon May 24 12:16:51 2010
Bob SultanTask Force ParticipantApproveMon May 24 16:41:50 2010
Irene AoTask Force ParticipantApproveMon May 24 20:39:48 2010
John SauerWorking Group ParticipantAbstainTue May 25 14:31:00 2010
Linda DunbarWorking Group ParticipantApproveTue May 25 20:54:26 2010
Ting AoClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Siamack AyandehClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Jan BialkowskiClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Jean-Michel BonnamyClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Paul BottorffClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Craig CarlsonClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Rao CherukuriClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Don ConnorClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Diego CrupnicoffClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
3rd, EastlakeClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Robert FrazierClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
John FullerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Geoffrey GarnerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Anoop GhanwaniClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Franz GoetzClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Mitch GusatClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Asif HazarikaClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Charles HudsonClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Romain InslerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Anthony JeffreeClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Pankaj JhaClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Abhay KarandikarClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Yongbum KimClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Michael KrauseClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Vinod KumarClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Kari LaihonenClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Ashvin LakshmikanthaClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
John LemonClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Marina LipshteynClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Yuanqiu LuoClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Menucher MenucheryClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Gabriel MontenegroClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Eric MultanenClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Paul NikolichClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Kevin NolishClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
David OlsenClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Vijoy PandeyClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Donald PannellClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Joseph PelissierClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
David PetersonClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Hayim PoratClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Josef RoeseClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Jessy RouyerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Ali SajassiClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Joseph SaloweyClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
James ScottClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Michael SeamanClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Koichiro SetoClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Rakesh SharmaClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Taeshi ShimizuClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Robert SultanClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Muneyoshi SuzukiClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Michael TeenerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Patricia ThalerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Manoj WadekarClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Yuehua WeiClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Weis , BrianClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Martin WhiteClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Bert WijnenClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Robert WinterClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Chien-Hsien WuClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Ken YoungClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Glen ZornClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
The Closing Date Of This Ballot Is:Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
21st May 2010Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
The Pdf File Of P802.1qbc/d1.2 Can Be Found At:Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
The Mib Text File Will Be Posted Shortly.Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
The Disposition Of The Previous Ballot Is Here:Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Username: P8021Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Password: Go_wildcatsClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
If You Have Any Difficulty Downloading Or Reading This File, Let Me Know.Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
As Is Normal With Such Ballots, Comments Should Specify Not Only WhatClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Problems Have Been Identified With The Text, But Also What The CommenterClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Proposes As A Solution.Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Any Comments Accompanying The Ballot Must Be Presented Using EitherClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Of The Templates To Be Found Here:Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Comments Can Be Generated Using Excel Or An Equivalent SpreadsheetClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Program That Will Read Xls Or Csv Format Files. Attach The ResultantClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
In FileClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Returning Your Ballot FormClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Your Ballot Must Be Returned To:Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
You Are Requested To Use (exactly!) The Appropriate Subject Line FromClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
The Following Set When Returning Your Ballot. Please Send Your BallotClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
With The Subject Line Explicitly Set, Rather Than Using The ReplyClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Function In Your Mailer.Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
P802.1qbc/d1.2 - ApproveClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
P802.1qbc/d1.2 - Comments (with Approve)Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
P802.1qbc/d1.2 - DisapproveClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
P802.1qbc/d1.2 - Comments (with Abstain)Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
P802.1qbc/d1.2 - AbstainClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
802.1 Interworking Task Group Chair.Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Ballot Form Follows.....Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Note: Email All Ballot Responses Only To:Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
P802.1qbc/d1.2 Email BallotClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
To: Ben Mack-CraneClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
P802.1qbc EditorClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Subject: P802.1qbc/d1.2 - Remote Customer Service InterfaceClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
_____ I Approve (may Attach Non-Binding Comments Below)Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
_____ I Disapprove (must Attach Binding Comments Below)Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
_____ I Abstain For The Following Reasons (may Attach Non-Binding CommentsClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
______ Lack Of TimeClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
______ Lack Of ExpertiseClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
______ Other: _______________________________________________Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
(telephone No.)Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Include Comments Only As An Attachment, Using The Templates IdentifiedClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
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Ieee. Fostering Technological Innovation And Excellence For The Benefit Of Humanity.Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
  • [802.1_ballot - 1639] P802.1qbc/d1.2 - Abstain
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    • from: Karen Randall
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    [802.1 - 7232] Fw: [802sec] Ieee-802 July Plenary Session - Meeting AnnouncementClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
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    [802.1 - 7230] Dcb Schedule For May 2010 InterimClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
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    [802.1 - 7230] Dcb Schedule For May 2010 InterimClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
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    [802.1_ballot - 1639] P802.1qbc/d1.2 - AbstainClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
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