IEEE 802.1 Ballot Tally
Index » Working Group Ballot of P802.1AC-Rev/D2.0
Tallied VotesOther Information
Approve [*]11 (92 %)Pass / Fail [***]Fail
Disapprove1 (8 %)Last Updated2015-06-19
Abstain [**]11 (48 %)Non-Voting Comments [****]0
Total23ParticipationClick to see a hard copy of the voters list. 23 / 50  Task Force 6
* Approve includes "Comments With Approve".
** Abstain includes "Comments With Abstain".
*** To "pass": Approval Percent >=75 % and Working Group Participation >= 50 %.
**** Non-voting comments are just "Comments".

Ballot Votes
Philippe KleinWorking Group ParticipantDisapproveTue Apr 21 08:31:43 2015
Maximilian RiegelWorking Group ParticipantApproveMon May 4 03:42:25 2015
Rodney CummingsWorking Group ParticipantApproveMon May 4 16:32:03 2015
Norman FinnWorking Group ParticipantApproveWed May 6 13:40:28 2015
Tony JeffreeTask Force ParticipantApproveWed May 6 14:11:08 2015
Panagiotis SaltsidisWorking Group ParticipantApproveFri May 8 04:08:33 2015
James McintoshWorking Group ParticipantAbstainFri May 8 11:17:37 2015
Mark HamiltonTask Force ParticipantDisapproveFri May 8 15:40:55 2015
Peter JonesWorking Group ParticipantAbstainSun May 10 13:37:59 2015
Juan ZunigaTask Force ParticipantApproveTue May 12 14:26:21 2015
Karen RandallWorking Group ParticipantAbstainWed May 13 14:19:54 2015
David ChenWorking Group ParticipantApproveWed May 13 17:43:35 2015
Dan RomascanuWorking Group ParticipantApproveThu May 14 06:28:29 2015
Johannes SpechtWorking Group ParticipantAbstainFri May 15 09:34:30 2015
Feng ChenWorking Group ParticipantAbstainFri May 15 10:02:54 2015
Don PannellTask Force ParticipantAbstainFri May 15 20:14:24 2015
Hal KeenWorking Group ParticipantAbstainSat May 16 06:25:10 2015
Weiying ChengWorking Group ParticipantApproveSat May 16 14:56:08 2015
Christian BoigerWorking Group ParticipantApproveSun May 17 02:44:15 2015
Wilfried SteinerWorking Group ParticipantAbstainSun May 17 04:22:32 2015
Geoffrey GarnerWorking Group ParticipantAbstainSun May 17 14:48:24 2015
Marcel KiesslingWorking Group ParticipantAbstainMon May 18 02:35:06 2015
Walter PienciakWorking Group ParticipantAbstainMon May 18 09:40:17 2015
John MessengerWorking Group ParticipantApproveMon May 18 11:12:00 2015
Vahid TabatabaeeWorking Group ParticipantAbstainMon May 18 21:37:09 2015
Michael Johas TeenerTask Force ParticipantApproveMon May 18 22:32:19 2015
Mick SeamanTask Force ParticipantApproveFri Jun 19 13:32:18 2015
Stephen HaddockWorking Group ParticipantApproveFri Jun 19 14:10:50 2015
Jessy RouyerWorking Group ParticipantApproveFri Jun 19 14:52:00 2015
Paul BottorffClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Aboubacar DiarraClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Janos FarkasClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Anoop GhanwaniClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Eric GrayClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Craig GuntherClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Jeremy HittClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Rahil HussainClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Anthony JeffreeClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Johas Teener, MichaelClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Stephan KehrerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Jouni KorhonenClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Ben Mack-CraneClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Christophe ManginClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Eric MultanenClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Donald PannellClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Glenn ParsonsClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Michael SeamanClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Daniel SextonClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Patricia ThalerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Jeremy TouveClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Paul UnbehagenClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Karl WeberClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Brian WeisClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Jordon WoodsClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Helge ZinnerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Juan-Carlos ZunigaClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A