IEEE 802.1 Ballot Tally
Index » Task Force Ballot of P802.1ae/D2
Tallied VotesOther Information
Approve [*]1 (100 %)Pass / Fail [***]Pass
Disapprove0 (0 %)Last Updated2004-05-10
Abstain [**]1 (50 %)Non-Voting Comments [****]0
Total2ParticipationTask Force 2
* Approve includes "Comments With Approve".
** Abstain includes "Comments With Abstain".
*** To "pass": Approval Percent >=75 % and Working Group Participation >= 50 %.
**** Non-voting comments are just "Comments".

Ballot Votes
Atsushi IwataTask Force ParticipantApproveSat May 8 10:23:07 2004
John MessengerTask Force ParticipantAbstainMon May 10 12:47:05 2004