IEEE 802.1 Ballot Tally
Index » Working Group Ballot of P802.1aj/D3.3
Tallied VotesOther Information
Approve [*]7 (88 %)Pass / Fail [***]Fail
Disapprove1 (12 %)Last Updated2009-07-13
Abstain [**]10 (56 %)Non-Voting Comments [****]0
Total18ParticipationClick to see a hard copy of the voters list. 18 / 90  Task Force 11
* Approve includes "Comments With Approve".
** Abstain includes "Comments With Abstain".
*** To "pass": Approval Percent >=75 % and Working Group Participation >= 50 %.
**** Non-voting comments are just "Comments".

Ballot Votes
Zehavit AlonWorking Group ParticipantAbstainWed Jun 24 01:31:25 2009
Nurit SprecherWorking Group ParticipantAbstainWed Jun 24 01:37:36 2009
John Nels FullerTask Force ParticipantAbstainWed Jun 24 13:49:32 2009
Rudolf BrandnerWorking Group ParticipantAbstainMon Jun 29 08:02:16 2009
Mitchell GusatTask Force ParticipantAbstainTue Jun 30 07:51:47 2009
Hal KeenWorking Group ParticipantAbstainMon Jul 6 11:14:51 2009
Geoffrey M. GarnerTask Force ParticipantAbstainMon Jul 6 11:40:06 2009
Menu MenuchehryTask Force ParticipantAbstainMon Jul 6 13:23:47 2009
Stephen HaddockTask Force ParticipantApproveMon Jul 6 19:50:34 2009
Eric GrayWorking Group ParticipantApproveTue Jul 7 08:58:41 2009
Panagiotis SaltsidisWorking Group ParticipantComments (With Approve)Wed Jul 8 11:00:33 2009
David MartinWorking Group ParticipantAbstainWed Jul 8 11:37:18 2009
Yong KimTask Force ParticipantApproveWed Jul 8 17:57:43 2009
John MessengerWorking Group ParticipantApproveThu Jul 9 05:39:53 2009
Bob SultanWorking Group ParticipantApproveThu Jul 9 10:53:16 2009
Joseph SaloweyWorking Group ParticipantApproveThu Jul 9 11:51:53 2009
Glenn ParsonsWorking Group ParticipantApproveThu Jul 9 14:17:56 2009
Jessy V RouyerWorking Group ParticipantDisapproveThu Jul 9 19:59:49 2009
Alan McguireWorking Group ParticipantAbstainThu Jul 9 22:11:19 2009
Fedyk DonTask Force ParticipantApproveThu Jul 9 22:17:17 2009
Keti KilcreaseWorking Group ParticipantAbstainFri Jul 10 02:46:57 2009
Zhemin DingTask Force ParticipantApproveFri Jul 10 11:15:49 2009
Don PannellTask Force ParticipantAbstainFri Jul 10 20:01:23 2009
Bruce KwanWorking Group ParticipantAbstainSat Jul 11 03:34:15 2009
Manoj WadekarWorking Group ParticipantAbstainSat Jul 11 03:46:20 2009
Bob FrazierWorking Group ParticipantAbstainSun Jul 12 22:38:27 2009
Jan BialkowskiWorking Group ParticipantApproveMon Jul 13 13:22:58 2009
Robert BoatrightTask Force ParticipantAbstainMon Jul 13 13:46:37 2009
Weiying ChengTask Force ParticipantApproveMon Jul 13 18:30:38 2009
Rob BoatrightClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Jean-Michel BonnamyClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Paul BottorffClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Frank ChaoClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Paul CongdonClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Alex ContaClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Uri CummingsClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Claudio DesantiClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Linda DunbarClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Hesham ElbakouryClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
David Elie-Dit-CosaqueClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Don FedykClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Felix Feifei FengClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Norm FinnClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
John FullerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Edna GanonClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Geoffrey GarnerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Anoop GhanwaniClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Franz GoetzClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Ken GrewalClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Craig GuntherClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Steve HaddockClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Brian HassinkClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Brian HausauerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Romain InslerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
David JamesClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Tony JeffreeClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Paul Hongkyu JeongClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Michael Johas TeenerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Tae-Eun KimClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Yongbum KimClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Mike KoClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Raghu KondapalliClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Kari LaihonenClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Yannick Le GoffClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Marco MascittoClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Dinesh MohanClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Hiroshi OhtaClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
David OlsenClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Shlomo OvadiaClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Ken PattonClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Neil PeersClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Haim PoratClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Max PritikinClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Charles QiClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Ananda RajagopalClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Karen RandallClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Robert RodenClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Josef RoeseClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Allyn RomanowClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Dan RomascanuClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Ali SajassiClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Sam SambasivanClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
John SauerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Mick SeamanClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Koichiro SetoClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Himanshu ShahClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Gopi SirineniClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Kevin B StantonClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Muneyoshi SuzukiClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Attila TakacsClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Francois TalletClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
John TerryClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Pat ThalerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Oliver ThorpClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Maarten VissersClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Dennis VolpanoClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Bert WijnenClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Ludwig WinkelClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Michael D. WrightClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Chien-Hsien WuClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Zong Liang WuClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A