IEEE 802.1 Ballot Tally
Index » Working Group Ballot of P802.1X-Rev/D1.4
Tallied VotesOther Information
Approve [*]6 (100 %)Pass / Fail [***]Fail
Disapprove0 (0 %)Last Updated2019-09-18
Abstain [**]5 (45 %)Non-Voting Comments [****]0
Total11ParticipationClick to see a hard copy of the voters list. 11 / 124  Task Force 2
* Approve includes "Comments With Approve".
** Abstain includes "Comments With Abstain".
*** To "pass": Approval Percent >=75 % and Working Group Participation >= 50 %.
**** Non-voting comments are just "Comments".

Ballot Votes
Geoffrey GarnerWorking Group ParticipantAbstainFri Jun 14 11:31:48 2019
Jens BierschenkWorking Group ParticipantAbstainMon Jun 17 10:59:25 2019
Christophe ManginWorking Group ParticipantAbstainFri Jun 21 04:39:41 2019
Don PannellTask Force ParticipantAbstainWed Jun 26 19:12:29 2019
Nader ZeinWorking Group ParticipantApproveFri Jun 28 16:27:29 2019
Paul BottorffWorking Group ParticipantApproveFri Jun 28 17:17:12 2019
Stephen HaddockWorking Group ParticipantApproveFri Jun 28 18:38:45 2019
Kenichi MaruhashiWorking Group ParticipantApproveFri Jun 28 18:46:45 2019
Paul CongdonWorking Group ParticipantApproveFri Jun 28 18:56:16 2019
Tomoki OhsawaWorking Group ParticipantApproveSat Jun 29 05:48:08 2019
Jordon WoodsWorking Group ParticipantAbstainMon Jul 8 17:26:54 2019
Mike PottsTask Force ParticipantApproveWed Jul 10 16:22:02 2019
Norman FinnWorking Group ParticipantAbstainWed Sep 18 09:39:21 2019
Ralf AssmannClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Christian BoigerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Radhakrishna CanchiClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
David ChenClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Feng ChenClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Weiying ChengClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Rodney CummingsClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Hesham ElbakouryClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Janos FarkasClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Eric GrayClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Craig GuntherClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Marina GutierrezClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Mark HantelClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Marc HolnessClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Satoko ItayaClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Lokesh KabraClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Michael KarlClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Stephan KehrerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Hajime KotoClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Scott MansfieldClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
James McintoshClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
John MessengerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Tero MustalaClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Hiroshi OhueClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Donald PannellClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Glenn ParsonsClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Walter PienciakClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Michael PottsClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Wei QiuClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Karen RandallClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Maximilian RiegelClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Jessy RouyerClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Atsushi SatoClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Frank ScheweClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Michael SeamanClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Johannes SpechtClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Paul UnbehagenClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Xinyuan WangClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Tongtong WangClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Hao WangClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Karl WeberClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Brian WeisClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Ludwig WinkelClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Takahiro YamauraClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Xiang YuClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
The Closing Date Of This Ballot Is:Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
         28th June 2019Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
The Pdf File Of P802.1x-Rev/d1.4 Can Be Found At:Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
the Text Of The Mib, The Yang Files, And The Annex G Test Vectors AreClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
attached To The Pdf.Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
The Comment Disposition For The Initial Working Group Ballot Is Here:Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
If You Have Any Difficulty Downloading Or Reading These Files, Let Me Know.Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
as Is Normal With Such Ballots, Comments Should Specify Not Only WhatClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
problems Have Been Identified With The Text, But Also What The CommenterClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
proposes As A Solution.Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
any Comments Accompanying The Ballot Must Be Presented Using TheClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
template To Be Found Here:Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
please Ensure That You Are Using The Latest Template Referenced By TheClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
link Above, Not A Template From A Prior Ballot, And Have Completed TheClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
affiliation Entry.Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
comments Can Be Generated Using Excel Or An Equivalent SpreadsheetClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
program That Will Read Xls Format Files. Attach The Resultant File, InClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
xls Or Csv Format, To Your Ballot Response Email.the Editor WouldClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
appreciate The Attached Comment File Clearly Identify The Commenter'sClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Project nameClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
     802-1x-Rev-D1-4-Comments-<yourname>.xlsClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Returning Your Ballot FormClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Your Ballot Must Be Returned To:Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
you Are Requested To Use (exactly!) The Appropriate Subject Line FromClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
the Following Set When Returning Your Ballot. Please Send Your BallotClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
with The Subject Line Explicitly Set, Rather Than Using The ReplyClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
function In Your Mailer.Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
P802.1x-Rev/d1.4 - ApproveClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
P802.1x-Rev/d1.4 - Comments (with Approve)Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
P802.1x-Rev/d1.4 - DisapproveClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
P802.1x-Rev/d1.4 - Comments (with Abstain)Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
P802.1x-Rev/d1.4 - AbstainClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Mick SeamanClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
802.1 ChairClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Ballot Form Follows.....Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Note: Email All Ballot Responses Only To:Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
P802.1x-Rev/d1.4 Email BallotClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
To: Mick SeamanClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
P802.1x-Rev EditorClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Subject:     P802.1x-Rev/d1.4 - Port-Based Network Access ControlClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
_____ I Approve (may Attach Non-Binding Comments Below)Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
_____ I Disapprove (must Attach Binding Comments Below)Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
_____ I Abstain For The Following Reasons (may Attach Non-Binding CommentsClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
______ Lack Of TimeClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
______ Lack Of ExpertiseClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
______ Other: _______________________________________________Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Include Comments Only As An Attachment, Using The Templates IdentifiedClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Unsubscribe Link: to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
Ieee. Fostering Technological Innovation And Excellence For The Benefit Of Humanity.Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
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    re: [802.1 - 13254] 802.1 Tsn Tg Call - June 17, 2019Click to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
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    re: [802.1 - 13252] 802.3cg (10spe) And Ptp/qbv - Need Use CasesClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
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    [802.1_ballot - 9132] P802e/d1.4 - ApproveClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
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    [802.1_ballot - 9133] P802.1qcx/d1.2 - Bridges And Bridged Networks — Amendment: Yang Data Model For Connectivity Fault ManagementClick to see a hard copy of the voters list.No VoteN/A
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